What is Havening? How can Havening help you?
The Havening Techniques®, created by Dr. Ronald Ruden, uses sensory input called to eliminate the consequences originating from past stressful or traumatic events. Havening Techniques® practice and treatment can change the present wiring in your brain. If you, or anyone you know, are experiencing fears, anxiety, or stress, a Havening Techniques® practice can reduce, and oftentimes eliminate it. The by-product? An enhanced sense of well being, heightened compassion, and loving kindness. In other words, Havening Techniques® brings about peace, that of mind, body and spirit. Who does not experience these?
Havening Techniques® practioner, Louise McKay, says that using the application of Havening Techniques® to create changes in the brain delinks the negative emotional and physical responses from the recall of past traumatic events. "You can remember what happened, and it doesn’t upset you anymore." That event is now a story. Havening Techniques ® can help to integrate new information, making it a great tool for personal development and peak performance. It truly is "a better life through Neuroscience."
This is your chance to leave your current troubles and troubled past behind. Allow the best version and most dynamic of yourself to illuminate. Turn threat into opportunity, install dynamic habits, show up in the world the way you always wanted to be. What we fear doing the most is usually what we need to do and forge away.
Havening Techniques® uses a "hands -on" approach - literally. You apply Havening to yourself. Some have incorporated Havening Techniques ® into their daily mindfulness practice routines.
Havening Technique® uses 5 specific movements.
1- Begin by placing your right arm on your left shoulder. Place your left arm on your right shoulder.
2- Caress yourself by stroking downwards in a soothing way from your shoulders to your elbows. Become aware of the comforting feeling of stroking softly, lovingly, slowly, downwards. between one to ten minutes. Focus on the confort
3- Now, place both your hands on your face, and caress your entire face in a soothing, soft, stroking movement. Allow yourself to notice how that feels. And now take your four fingers of both hands and place them on your forehead, stroking your forehead from the center to the outside in a soothing, soft, gentle way. And now place your four fingers of both hands under your eyes from the center to the outside softly, soothingly, caressingly. Several times based on your need. No rushing in any of your strokes. Please honor and love yourself right now as if you are a baby being caressed by your mother, or father or someone with a loving presence for you. Once again, take both your hands and slowly caress your entire face in a soothing, gentle, kind, loving way. As many times as you need and want.
4- Now, take your right hand and place it on top of your left. (palm facing upwards) Slowly, move your hands in a caring way, away and apart from each other. Now turn your right hand palm facing upward and place your left hand whose palm is also facing upwards. Feel both hands touching. Slowly move each hand apart in an outward direction. Do this as many times as desired.
5- Take three deep breaths.
You may now notice feeling more calm, relaxed, and recharged. You now have learned a powerful mind-body technique, to replenish, relax, refresh, care for yourself, and to be kind and loving. You are now your own healer. Bravo.
The Havening Techniques®, created by Dr. Ronald Ruden, uses sensory input called to eliminate the consequences originating from past stressful or traumatic events. Havening Techniques® practice and treatment can change the present wiring in your brain. If you, or anyone you know, are experiencing fears, anxiety, or stress, a Havening Techniques® practice can reduce, and oftentimes eliminate it. The by-product? An enhanced sense of well being, heightened compassion, and loving kindness. In other words, Havening Techniques® brings about peace, that of mind, body and spirit. Who does not experience these?
Havening Techniques® practioner, Louise McKay, says that using the application of Havening Techniques® to create changes in the brain delinks the negative emotional and physical responses from the recall of past traumatic events. "You can remember what happened, and it doesn’t upset you anymore." That event is now a story. Havening Techniques ® can help to integrate new information, making it a great tool for personal development and peak performance. It truly is "a better life through Neuroscience."
This is your chance to leave your current troubles and troubled past behind. Allow the best version and most dynamic of yourself to illuminate. Turn threat into opportunity, install dynamic habits, show up in the world the way you always wanted to be. What we fear doing the most is usually what we need to do and forge away.
Havening Techniques® uses a "hands -on" approach - literally. You apply Havening to yourself. Some have incorporated Havening Techniques ® into their daily mindfulness practice routines.
Havening Technique® uses 5 specific movements.
1- Begin by placing your right arm on your left shoulder. Place your left arm on your right shoulder.
2- Caress yourself by stroking downwards in a soothing way from your shoulders to your elbows. Become aware of the comforting feeling of stroking softly, lovingly, slowly, downwards. between one to ten minutes. Focus on the confort
3- Now, place both your hands on your face, and caress your entire face in a soothing, soft, stroking movement. Allow yourself to notice how that feels. And now take your four fingers of both hands and place them on your forehead, stroking your forehead from the center to the outside in a soothing, soft, gentle way. And now place your four fingers of both hands under your eyes from the center to the outside softly, soothingly, caressingly. Several times based on your need. No rushing in any of your strokes. Please honor and love yourself right now as if you are a baby being caressed by your mother, or father or someone with a loving presence for you. Once again, take both your hands and slowly caress your entire face in a soothing, gentle, kind, loving way. As many times as you need and want.
4- Now, take your right hand and place it on top of your left. (palm facing upwards) Slowly, move your hands in a caring way, away and apart from each other. Now turn your right hand palm facing upward and place your left hand whose palm is also facing upwards. Feel both hands touching. Slowly move each hand apart in an outward direction. Do this as many times as desired.
5- Take three deep breaths.
You may now notice feeling more calm, relaxed, and recharged. You now have learned a powerful mind-body technique, to replenish, relax, refresh, care for yourself, and to be kind and loving. You are now your own healer. Bravo.